Manliest Man Ever
My husband is by far the manliest man I know. He fixes everything, cars, trucks, wooden things, electrical things, sheetrock things and other things. He loves to fish, hunt, camp and roll in the dirt (I guess that's what he does, I can't imagine anyone getting that dirty any other way). His hands are hands of a hard working man, you know the kind that feel like he just got finished rubbing them on the concrete. His dress clothes are his nice grey t-shirt, jeans and hiking boots. He's just the epitome of manliness and I love it!! With all that said, one would think that a man that finds great joy in killing small animals and Bambi's mom would laugh at the flu. Wrong. Last week I had pneumonia, not as near death as you would think, but I'm over it. In the middle of my recovery I had to put my own sickness aside and rush to the aide of my beloved. If I hadn't we might have lost him-at least that's what you would think by the way he acted. Apparently it's a man thing to completely fall apart when you get sick. Matt couldn't even eat he was so sick. Yes, he ran a very high fever and couldn't break it, yes, his nose was really runny, but I had the same symptoms and still managed to cook dinner and make sure the house was picked up. I guess it just goes to show it doesn't matter how manly you are you still need a good woman to make some homemade chicken noodle soup and dote over you around the clock. I'm just picking on Matt, I really enjoyed taking care of him. We did get to spend four whole days together and that's always a good thing.
You're the best blogger ever! I'm so excited that you feel better. And of course, I'm glad your husband isn't starving anymore. Oh...boys. They can definitely be a handful. I miss you #2!
isn't it about time to blog about how i'm you're hero?
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